We apologize for the inconvenience, but our phones are down at St. Colette. If you need to reach us please call please call 847-437-6208.

Eucharistic Ministers


The duties of our Extraordinary Ministers are very much appreciated. The Eucharistic Ministers are serving at the table of the Lord. They are the ones that are asked to help our priests to distribute Holy Communion. They serve those who come forward to receive Holy Communion during the Eucharistic celebration of the Mass. What better way is there to say, “Here I am to our Lord” then to be present to bring the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the members of our parish community?

We would like to invite you to think and pray about becoming part of the Eucharistic Ministry. Please consider serving in this Ministry. We need your support and service. In the spirit of Christian charity for each other please pray about this very worthwhile ministry.


Ministry of Care has been a vital part of our parish faith community for many years. Our ministers visit those who are unable to attend regular Sunday services. If you are home bound or recovering from surgery and would like to receive and share in Eucharist and prayer, please contact either church office.